Acclaim Online
Training Resources

Access our library of user guides and training materials to learn key functionality of Acclaim Online.

How to register | DOWNLOAD

Joint adviser code help guide | DOWNLOAD

Support staff access guide | DOWNLOAD


Green ID consent form | DOWNLOAD

Open an Acclaim Pension account | DOWNLOAD

Open an Acclaim Super account | DOWNLOAD

Cash account guide | DOWNLOAD

How to make a contribution | DOWNLOAD

Request a withdrawal | DOWNLOAD

Transfer cash to CMA | DOWNLOAD

Claiming a tax deduction | DOWNLOAD

Generating a Centrelink schedule online | DOWNLOAD

Create or Renew an Ongoing or Upfront Advice Fee Consent | DOWNLOAD

Adviser fee report | DOWNLOAD

Family fee aggregation | DOWNLOAD

Set up auto-rebalancing for managed funds | DOWNLOAD

Term deposit instructions | DOWNLOAD

Adviser fee report | DOWNLOAD

Centrelink schedule | DOWNLOAD

Insurance | DOWNLOAD

Rate of return | DOWNLOAD

Unlisted and listed security balances | DOWNLOAD

Technology that puts the power back in your hands

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